Helping You Thrive.

Therapy for you. You deserve to thrive.

You feel stuck in this endless cycle of behaviors or thoughts you hope will make you feel better, but they don't and now you wonder if they are making things worse. Maybe restrictive behaviors or all or nothing thoughts are creating distance between you and your friends, family or romantic partner. You find you're doing all your can just to survive the day. You notice more and more thoughts like "why do I work so hard at all of this and none of it seems to matter?" Or maybe a thought like "if people really knew me, they wouldn't like me." You end up feeling exhausted, burnt out, on edge and unsure. Here's the fact of the matter: you deserve to do more than just survive, you deserve to thrive!

They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. The reality is, if you don't change, your relationships are likely to continue suffering and loneliness will continue to creep in, you won't feel better about yourself and your health may be at high risk for all sorts of complications.

Change is hard. But if not now, when?

You don’t have to go it alone. We can help you thrive!

It's tough out there. Society does not always make it easy to feel good about ourselves and our relationships. Our passion is walking alongside you and people like you everyday. We invest in our education, training and experience to equip you with the tools you need for effective change and helping you get back your life.

We know it's not easy to get started. Maybe you've thought of calling but keep talking yourself out of it. Or maybe you've called dozens of other places but no response. We have simplified our process to make it as easy on you as possible to come in for an initial appointment!

There is hope for things to get better soon and we want to walk alongside you and support you in this journey! Schedule an appointment with one of our therapists and we can't wait to start working with you.  Harmony Therapy Group is an out of network provider and we are happy to provide Superbills for clients who choose to submit their own claims to insurance.

Welcome to our Practice!


We want to ensure you find the best fit therapist for your needs. This page helps answer some of your initial questions and helps you to get an idea of our style and personality.


Our practice consists of therapists who not only treat general mental health, but also specialize in a variety of needs. Learn more about our take on concerns with food and body image, and anxiety here.


Check out our favorite book and podcast recommendations for ways to further deepen your knowledge about eating disorders, parenting, and more.